Like the Ocean, I didn’t come here, to live a normal human life, a predictable and stable flow of life experiences. I came to make waves, to dance on the edge – the interface between water and land. I came here to reveal the chasms and the connections between the Seen and Unseen worlds; and to awaken humans from the intoxicating fog of their controlled remembrance. I came to be a light in the dark to all those who need the gentle flame of a witchy water woman to illuminate the truth of their own spirit and to help them live in the fullness of their humanity. I came here to gently rock the boat.

In 21 years, The Spirit of Water has distributed close to 3 million blessings all over the world, and there seems to be continued affection for these simple little intention labels as more people become aware of the ease and power of Water Blessing Labels through social media. Without the benefit of big advertising budgets and promotional opportunities, The Spirit of Water has become a mainstay in the hearts of spiritual seekers all over the world. Water blessings are a universal way to touch people's lives through simple acts of intention, prayer, and the scientific/spiritual responses of water molecules.
Currently I operate the business alone and have been doing so since 2006. My contributions include creating visionary art, graphic design, creative writing, package & product design, website design, and new product marketing. Today, my product line features a mix of old favorites and new collections, created each year to encourage deeper personal expression. Limited by a very small budget, I still allow my imagination to soar and then I use that power to create little things that have big meaning for those who want something to remind them of their spiritual journey.
When the business began, there were no other Water Blessing Labels on the market. Today, there are others, but my original designs can be found in homes and markets all over the world. I have been devoted to creating blessings and phrases that apply to most life situations whether they are spiritually-oriented or offer guidance and encouragement for personal growth. In the past few years I have also introduced water-lover lifestyle gifts and products that delight my own senses and show my love for water in its many dimensions. I not only bless all water, but also support projects that provide clean water and clean oceans for all. Most recently, I have integrated my "other side" into the business. I have added mystic, shamanic, and witchcraft items that pair well with the spirit in water, having been a Water Mystic my whole life.
I consider myself to be an Elder Water Goddess, a playful sea mystic, a hag, a witch, a shaman, a spiritual guide, a visionary seer, and a woman who cares deeply about oceans and all forms of water. My gift collections honor the spirit of the Water Goddess by reflecting strong resonance with Water Spirits; and I use profits from those items in the store to support my stewardship of world waters. My spiritual base lies deep in blue waters where I get all my inspiration for water blessings and unique water gifts.