"I have them all over my house and car too."
Nancy W., Turlock, CA

"I put them all over my kid's water bottles, too. I let them pick what they want to use each day. I think it helps them think better about their day."
Bonnie S., St. Louis, MO

"I got the Prosperity set as a gift. My sister didn't know how good that gift was. My life is changing and I feel it is all because of the blessing . They work. "
Scott L., Marco Island, FL

"I gave them to all my friends for Christmas."
Carol N., Alberta, CN "

They are everywhere in my house, even on the shower doors. I love seeing subtle messages everywhere I look. "
Annie P., Madison, TN

"They are brilliant. I've been cutting paper and taping them on. Yours are so elegant!"
Myra H., NSW, Aust.

"I love the idea of choosing my own reality. The blessings help me remember. They are just great! "
Rosy W., Toronto, CN

"Everyone should use them to help lose weight. I didn't even diet. I just visualized like the label says. 20 lbs. gone! "
Deborah P, Houston, TX

"I love these labels! I keep a bunch on hand.Whenever I have guests, I send them home with a few ."
Katherine L., New York, NY

"I celebrated my divorce by getting these labels and putting them all around my house. Now I determine what I want in my future by what I am creating right in every moment. It is very powerful."
Constance K., Sydney, Aust

"These are a great idea. I cut up some of the words to make my own sentences."
Bobbie C., Key West, FL