The energies in water have enticed dreamers, sailors, mystics, witches, and healers. Water is the greatest shapeshifter known in this dimension, and many use its magical properties to perform miraculous effects. Water men have been lulled to sea for millennia, following its seductive call. Women immerse themselves in the sea to heal and be made whole when life has challenged them. The power we get from water is not simply myth. It is actual neurological, physiological, and spiritual power.

The Water Goddess, a very real, yet mythological female, has been characterized in many ways in lore and art; and she is the subject of one of our featured gift sections. Everything in that collection relate to the woman who loves all seas and knows the mystical and spiritual power of water.

She is a combination of all the best qualities of female water lovers. She represents a state of emotional freedom, often envied by land-locked Goddesses who long to swim in other dimensions of consciousness. She is the Boho (bohemian) Baby of the Sea. She is the benevolent mermaid who cares for all marine life and watches out for the waters of the world. She is the Water Goddess who lures willing swimmers into the depth so she can teach them the mysteries of Mother Waters. She is wet and wild, And free to experience life on her own terms.

Many women, and maybe you, too, long for the freedom of the sea in ordinary reality, or simply in myth. Either way, loving water, oceans, rivers and all small trickles of water is a lifestyle choice not fully understood by those who look from the outside and remain high and dry.  Full immersion is the only way to understand the calling we water lovers share. All water women and men understand their blessed water-loving hearts, but cannot find words that are profound enough to describe the love and the pull that keeps us entrained to the rhythms of the sea.

At any age, a true Water Spirit will become awakened to the gentle, playful, yet fierce power that is alive in the heart. One day she or he may find they are searching for a different reality but may not fully understand coming into their calling. The Water Spirit  is infinitely influenced by the "Water Gene" carried in the soul. There is no way to stop a true water lover from searching for the cosmic water connection. We must dive in.

So here we are... sharing our mystical purpose, bringing evolved ideas together, along with stories, and some precious little things that remind us of water, and oceans, and blue. It all works to soothe the longing of the wild water lover. We invite all water keepers, water healers, water spirits, and water mystics to balance their land-based magic with a taste of blue.

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