Love Attraction Tiny Altar

$ 22.95
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Everyone wants love in their lives but they might want it to appear in different forms. When we set our intentions to attract love, our higher self knows what we want and brings it in surprising ways. This Tiny Altar is perfect to carry in pocket or purse to keep your intentions clear and focused by doing ceremony or ritual wherever you are to set the energy. This Tiny Altar comes with:

• Love Oracle Mini Cards (draw one of 6 for a quick reading)
• Rose Quartz Pendulum
• Tiny Mystic Purple Scrying Mirror
• Magnifying Heart
• 7 Stones/Crystals for Building Love Energy
• Soy Tealight with non-toxic matches
• Rice Paper to write love notes and send them into water (they are organic and dissolve)
• Cedar Pencil
• 8 Water Blessing Labels for Love Attraction
• Golden Flower of Life Medallion for universal connection