The Way of the Muse

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The mythology of the Nine Muses is an ancient archetypal story guide to help explain the mysteries of human creativity and cultivate an expansive relationship with the Inner Muse. Doing so helps you to dance with opportunities as you dig deeper into your instinct, imagination, intuition, and understanding. The more you open to all possibilities, the more your talents and gifts reveal themselves; and a potentially uninspired walk through life becomes a refine ballet of the soul. The words chosen for this collection have deep meaning to the creative spirit. Use them mindfully and their truth will be revealed. Say them artfully. Hear them gently and fully. They will transform the way you view life.

Try to understand each word as if it is a gateway to more possibilities instead of stopping at the threshold of ordinary definitions. Do you really understand memory? Or dance? What happens when you question everything? These are the entrance words to the path of brilliance. Use them and your muse will reveal more of your creative power.

 Customer Testimonials

“I keep the sheet of labels on my writing desk and choose one each day on my coffee mug to kick-start my creativity. I think these are pure inspiration.”
Rachel B., Tampa, FL

"I got them as a gift from my life coach. I was skeptical at first. Then things started to unlock within me. Really powerful."
Meredith L., Seattle, WA

"They were a gift I didn’t quite understand, so I left the labels unopened for a long time. Then one day I was creatively blocked and decided to try them. Wow! They worked fast. My muse jumped in and helped me finish my first screenplay."

Lisa R., Hollywood, CA

"I was stuck trying to write a song. I used "song" but nothing came until I also used "listen" with it. That was the kicker... I actually heard my song playing in my head. I couldn't write it down fast enough. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" 

John S., New York, NY

"Powerful!!!! Every creative person I know is getting a package of these for Christmas."
Mikaela M., Malibu, CA