Begin attracting what you want. Money is a fluid commodity. While it might seem scarce to you, in an instant it can just easily flow into your life. One of the greatest truths is that we sometimes block our own money stream by mis-aligned thoughts. Let's fix that for 2023. The universe is abundant and we are ready to receive what we need and want. Use this kit for ritual or ceremony. Symbols are extremely powerful as are words. Use this kit along with Water Blessing Labels on your "Money Bottle" and watch how easily manifestation comes. Money is magnetic. It attracts more with matching thoughts, or repels more with negative thoughts. Watch your prosperity flow freely. It might be pennies at first, but then the flow starts to become apparent. Start your attraction right this year. Begin with gratitude and expand from there. You are a gifted manifestor. Now, just focus on what you wish to bring into your life.
Your kit includes:
• Copper Offering Bowl - 3" x 2" - Use it for water, coins, flowers, etc.
• 10 Dark Green Coin Envelopes for Feng Shui money treatments
• 10 Golden Chinese Coins for good luck, money attraction
• Green Money Pocket Journal -124 pages to use for attraction and money thoughts
• 4" Green Spell Candles (3) + Ceramic Gold Holder
• ¾" to 1" Aventurine Crystal for Money Attraction
• ¾" to 1" Citrine Crystal for Manifestation Power
• 1/2 Dram Prosperity Essential Oil Blend, ancient mystic blend
• Tiny Asian Carpet to represent wealth at your foundation (your feet)
• 10 ea. Fake $100 bills to represent seed money for your dreams.
• Attraction Pendant, Flower of Life Energy Generator
• Metatron Prosperity Gazing Card & Violet Flame Imprinting Card (2 sides) with
a clear acrylic stand
• Cashflow Mini Water Blessings with 6 important blessing labels
• 6" x 9" Dark Green Velvet Drawstring Bag to hold all your sacred altar items
• 3 Cinammon Sticks, and 4 Bay Leaves for house blessing and money ceremonies.
• 10 pages of spells, chants, ritual, affirmations, and blessings to attract money
A $65.00 Value for $38.95 plus shipping
SHIPPING NOTE: This kit is a great bargain but the completed kit weighs nearly 2 lbs. We use USPS Priority which costs around $8.95. We will work as quickly as possible to get your items to you so you can start generating your abundance!!