We live on a blue planet. Life cannot exist without water. Since humans and Earth are each 80% water, we share a potential for infinite water wisdom to influence how we think and live. Water awareness has a powerful effect on our brain. We feel better, think better, and live better when we include water in our lives through recreation, rejuvenation, or religion. Water has a consciousness that is shared by billions of beings on the planet. As humans continue to pollute and mismanage water, we alter the lives of billions of other organisms that depend on the same resources to exist. Knowing we are alive because of the water we consume and carry within, would we consciously contaminate ourselves? Most people don’t even think about water in that way. We need to “think Blue” and use our “Blue Minds” to change our thoughts about water. In truth, we are water and water is us, and it is up to us protect this precious resource forever.