Blue Apatite - enhance 5th & 6th Chakras

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Blue Apatite is a motivational stone, suggesting greater independence and focus. When worn, carried, or used in ritual or ceremony, it can also become a useful as a reminder of mindful eating.

Blue Apatite is known for its positive vibrations that enhance clarity and intention. Use it to help clear confusion and  negativity. Help stimulate intellect and expand knowledge and truth by focusing energy on this stone. It also enhances personal growth and living in the frequency of greatest good.

This is a stone of manifestation, but on a large scale. Think of humanity and earth goodness. This deeply spiritual stone affects the mental body - the vibratory level associated with psychic perception and paranormal abilities. Use it in past-life or alternate-life work.  It radiates the energy to access knowledge on all levels where the Akashic records and an individual's soul patterns exist. Use it as a dreaming stone for creative solutions or problem solving.  It helps create vertical visio, a phenomenon where one can see multiple levels of consciousness operating harmoniously at the same time.

Blue Apatite is a power stone for the Throat Chakra.  It helps with public speaking and enhances personal communication and conversation. It is especially attuned to the Third Eye, which improves concentration and memory skills, and is a good crystal for study purposes.  

While Blue Apatite has been credited with many aspects of healing physical and emotional conditions, we make no claims. Instead, we invite you to experience the powerful vibrations of this appealing, sensuous stone. The color is natural (no dyes ever!), and that alone helps create a bridge to the healing resonance of water, the oceans, rivers, and weather patterns.

No two stones are alike in color, texture or shape. We strive to select the best specimen for you based on our personal guidance. We do not pre-package our stones. We wait to receive the right energy from your order and then we select. Each of our stones are given great care, cleansed, and blessed with positive energy, before shipping.