Written by Shara Gardner

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Reviving the Ancient Practices of Blessing

Blessing anything has not lost its power. The practice may have become overshadowed by other spiritual trends, but blessings have worked since humans could sense the presence of spirit in all things. It is a holy creation. It does not belong to religions, but religions use The Practice in their teachings. The Practice is largely dependent upon a strong ability to believe we are making some kind of connection to the cosmic universe and the Creator of it ALL.

Reviving the Ancient Practices of Blessing

Blessing anything has not lost its power. The practice may have become overshadowed by other spiritual trends, but blessings have worked since humans could sense the presence of spirit in all things. It is a holy creation. It does not belong to religions, but religions use The Practice in their teachings. The Practice is largely dependent upon a strong ability to believe we are making some kind of connection to the cosmic universe and the Creator of it ALL.