All Energy Travels in Waves

Shara Gardner
 There is a concept that a person can create their own reality. This is only partially correct because it is generally debated in a one-way manner; for example, a person sends a message to the Universe with a request or a desired outcome. This is only ½ of the process. With that request you are sending ia wave of energy, called "feed-forward-wave" and it is the first part of the loop – your desire. That energy will be coming back in the form of a "feed-back-wave" which is the the universe creating its reality as it responds to you and everyone else who has desires to create their reality. The Universe finds a mutual solution. It interacts with all energies on the planet along with your desires; and it gives you a result that is a combination of all "feed-forward waves," including your own."

Metaphysical DNA - The magic and the mystery

Shara Gardner 1 comment

  Your DNA was influenced by your ancestors and their bloodlines that contributed to your cell formation. This doesn't sound very metaphysical until you consider something that I ponder often. The energy that influences our DNA is not just physical. It is cosmic and has to do with choices made by your soul before you slipped into your current lifetime. Also, remember, what you think about another, you create about yourself. You created your current reality and continue to create it. That’s how DNA works.

Think about that.