Ho'oponopono Blessings

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The greatest source of personal power comes from within. When we examine our lives and our mistakes in life, we see that we are the ultimate cause of all we encounter. Remorse is actually a great healing process when paired with the beauty of Ho'oponopono, the Hawaiian tradition of personal forgiveness. Use these words to go deeper into your own process and find what is hidden that may be the source of all pain, illness, and confusion. These water blessing labels come with a full explanation of each phrase along with the Ho'oponono process for self-forgiveness and self-love. 

In Hawaii, water is made pure and sanctified by the sun as it sits in blue bottles outside most households. Indigenous Hawaiians understand the power of the Sun's ultraviolet rays as they beam through water, and also blue glass. The water takes on a different molecular structure and becomes healing and transformative. When pairing Ho'oponopono with the Solar Blue Water, you are following an ancient rite passed down through many generations of those from Oceania.

Consider purchasing Ho'oponopono Water Blessings along with the SolarBlue Water Bottle Set to continue the transformative work of Ho'oponopono.