Ternura (Spanish)

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Las bendiciones de "Ternura" con sus palabras significativas, nos amparan el corazón y la mente con un amor y compasión cuando nuestra realidad parece desmoronarse delante nuestro. Cada palabra nos monta sobre una vibración benéfica tras otra. El logro de la paz interior procede de la voluntad de explorar lo que significa abarcar el entendimiento, mantener la fe, apoyarse en los dones que se encuentran en la profunda quietud, ejercer el poder de la gratitud, derramar lágrimas de alegría, y recibir un amor sin fondo, o sea, todas las actitudes que brindan una vida llena de paz, vitalidad y alegría.


English Translation:
Tenderness blessings, with their meaningful words, embrace the heart and mind with love and compassion when our reality seems to crumble before us. Every word elevates one beneficial vibration after another. Achieving inner peace comes from a willingness to explore what it means to embrace wisdom, keep our faith, rely on the gifts we find in deep stillness, exercise the power of gratitude, cry tears of joy, and receive bottomless love, and those are all the attitudes that provide a life of peace, joy and vitality.

NOTE: Since our market is largely English speakers, this collection has gone ignored and unloved. It is too bad. The words in this collection are beautiful in the way they convey such deep love and tenderness. If you would like to acquire large quantities of our stock of these blessings for your group, family, club, or business, please select the quantity below. At this point, we are only covering printing costs and shipping with our very low asking price. This leaves profit margin space if you wish to re-sell them yourself. 

Get a huge discount!  If you want more than 100, contact info@thespiritofwater.com in English, please. 


The testimonial... 
Es impresionante el poder que tienen las palabras, especialmente cuando uno se las lleva al corazón. Si hasta la Biblia dice que las palabras son poderosas y creativas. Que bueno tenerlas en español pues tienen todavía más fuerza sobre mi cuerpo y mente en mi lengua nativa. Gracias!
Liliana T.
English Translation:
It's remarkable how much power words have, especially when one takes them to the heart. Even the Bible states that words are powerful and creative. How great it is to have them in Spanish since they are even more powerful on my body and mind in my native tongue.