Chakra Blessings

$ 9.95
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Color: Black Ink

Choose black ink for light or clear bottles or dove grey for darker water bottles

These ancient chakra symbols are graphic depictions of the concepts contained in each chakra energy portal. When we see these symbols, the images bypass our thinking mind and, instead, activate the subconscious mind to remember perfect alignment and good health specific to each chakra. Use all of them for balance, or work on different ones at different times. The package also contains a graphic referral chart to explain some of the basic elements of each chakra. It makes a beautiful gift.

The chakra system represents a way to energize and integrate body, mind, and spirit. This collection reinforces the importance of learning the sacred geometry of each chakra, often overlooked when we are distracted by color renditions. Each chakra symbol in this collection represents a physical body portal where specific vibrations can enter and exit, bridging us to pure consciousness. When we are balanced, we experience the fullest benefit of each energy based on the 7 basic living rights of each human being. This ancient sacred geometry, symbolized as early as 900 AD is used most effectively as a way to “charge” water with the purest energies of each chakra.


Customer Testimonials

"I especially like the concept of chakra rights. It makes sense that we can amplify our understanding of them so we can achieve balance. "

Marni L., Folsom, CA

"I love to use these as a focus for each day. I like choosing a new one each morning."
Jen B., Sacramento, CA